Monday, March 3, 2014

The Latest and Greatest

Hey everybody!

I wanted to drop in for a quick update about my music life here in Nashville.  Things are great!  I've been playing out around town - some solo, some with the band.  There are so many cool, different people that you get to meet at these writer's nights.  I hope to share that on this blog pretty soon.  If you're listening to my music, there's a lot of other writer's out there who haven't made mainstream yet that are still super talented individuals - and I hope to share that with you soon.  That's in your future.

But...the band has been recording.  We working hard on getting an EP together to get our sound set, and something to be able to put in people's hands.  I've put on my sound-engineer's hat, and I've been having a lot of fun with that.  There are so many more possibilities in song-writing if you are not only putting the time in on the lyrics and music but also on the production.  I'm really excited to be sharing that very soon.  We've already sent one track off to be mastered and should have it back within the week.  Two more are already in the process of being tracked.  We've been busy!

This is Waldon Rowe at our recent gig at Ugly Mugs:

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